Sweetheart Through The Years

February 13-16, 2025

33rd Annual

Sweetheart Jamboree

Jeremy & Kelly

Jeremy and Kelly Bryan are UCWDC Master Level dancers from southern California. They met in 2010 at a dance event, started dating long distance, and got married in 2011. Their professional dance partnership began in 2015, and now they perform, judge, and teach Country Couples dancing in the US and Canada.

While they work professionally as a software engineer (Jeremy) and geology professor (Kelly), and are busy raising two kids (Kennedy, 10 and Paxton 7), they still make time for dance.

Sweetheart Jamboree holds a special place in their hearts as ten years ago they were teaching and performing at the event while Kelly was pregnant with their daughter. They were not quite ready to announce, but the Sweetheart Family figured it out so their first public announcement occurred during the dinner show that year. They are excited to be back - this time without any special announcement!