A good old fashioned rodeo
February 12-15, 2026
Weekend Schedule
7:00 pm Kickoff Lesson & Dance
11:00 am Registration Desk opens
12:30 pm Classes start
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Free Classes
(No entry fee required)
8:00 pm Open Dancing in all 3 Ballrooms
8:30 pm Jack OR Jill Line Dance contest
9:30pm Jack AND Jill – WCS – Beg. & Int./Adv.
10:30 pm Jack AND Jill – 2-Step – Beg. & Int./Adv.
7:00 am Dinner table seating assignments opens
8:00 am Registration Desk opens
9:00 am Classes begin – see class schedule
11:45 am Lunch break
1:00 pm Classes resume – see class schedule
3:45 pm Main Ballroom closes for setup
6:30 pm Ballroom opens for dinner
6:45 pm Dinner served
8:30 pm(ish) - Line Dance & Swing rooms open for dancing immediately after the dinner show. Main Ballroom will re-open for dancing after the dinner tables are cleared.
8:30 am Registration desk opens
9:00 am Classes begin – see class schedule
12:50 am Lunch Break
1:40 pm Quilt Drawing
2:00 pm Classes resume – see class schedule
4:00pm Classes finish -See you next year!
Friday Free Classes
Sweetheart Jamboree offers FREE classes on Friday evening to allow folks to get a sample of what we are all about.
Sweetheart Jamboree is a registered State of Washington non-profit corporation.
It is dedicated to the preservation and instruction of country, swing and line dance.
Looking for a challenge?
2016 marked the debut of our Jack OR Jill line dance contest.
For years the partner dancers have had the fun of competing in Jack & Jill contests, so we looked for a way to let Line Dancers enjoy the same sort of challenge.
Here's how it works:
On Friday afternoon, we will teach the dance for the competition. Anyone registered for the event can take the class. The name of the dance will not be released until that time so no one gets to practice ahead of time.
At 8:30 that evening the contest happens in the line dance ballroom.
The entry fee is $5. To enter, bring your money to the contest and enter right on the floor. (No Instructors please) ALL fees are returned as prize money to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The 1st place winner will also claim the title of "Jack OR Jill Champion" and will receive the Sweetheart Jamboree Jack OR Jill prize bag that has been generously donated by our contest sponsor, Steel Creek , Tacoma's finest Country nightclub.
Thursday Night Lesson & Dance
Here is an exciting new chance to play at Sweetheart Jamboree. The fun starts at 7pm with a dance lesson and then dance the night away with Swing, Line, and Country.
Need a map of the hotel meetings rooms that we are using? Click the button below to see the floor layout for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor workshop rooms.
To connect with any of our vendors from the 2023 event, please click the button for that vendor.